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Faculty Team

Smt.Nirupama Sekar Profile

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Shri S Sundar Raman
Shri R Sathish Kumar
Shri R S Balaji
Shri R Krishnan
Shri V Vimalnath
Name                   : Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Subject Handling: Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management for CA Inter
Qualification And Experience

Engineering Graduate in Electronics and Communication.

Qualified in Computer Hardware handling, from Ministry of Industry, Directorate of Small Scale Service Institute

Qualified in various high level software programming languages.

Having an Industry Experience of more than 22 years.

Provided Software Consultancy Services to Government Departments, Non Government Organisations and various Nationalized Banks.

First Hand Recognition

Experienced in Systems Audit, Design and Implementation.

Information Technology Consultancy.

Books Authored

Books Authored for CA Students:

1. Information Technology and Strategic Management for CA IPCC

2. Information System Controls and Audit for CA FINAL

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