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Faculty Team

Shri R Sathish Kumar Profile

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Shri S Sundar Raman
Shri R Sathish Kumar
Shri R S Balaji
Shri R Krishnan
Shri V Vimalnath
Name                   : Shri R Sathish Kumar
Subject Handling: Basics of Accounting for CA Foundation, Taxation for CA Inter and Direct Taxes for CA Final
Qualification And Experience


1.Practicing Chartered Accountant for more than 6 years.

2. Qualified in Diploma Information system Audit, a post-graduation course conducted by ICAI.

3. Also a GraduatedCost and Management Accountant (erstwhile CWA).

4. Commerce Graduate from University of Madras with Distinction.

Practicing Chartered Accountant for the Past 6 Years.

Specialization includes -

1. Direct Taxes

2. Audit and Assurance

First Hand Recognition

1.Guest faculty of National Academy of Customs, Indirect taxes and Narcotics (NACIN), Chennai.

2.Visiting Faculty of Regional Training Institute of Income Tax Department, Chennai.

3. Rendered Guest lectures on Taxation and Financial management with C & AG office, Chennai.

4.Guest faculty for Direct taxes with SIRC Chennai and other branches of SIRC.

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