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Faculty Team

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath Profile

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Shri S Sundar Raman
Shri R Sathish Kumar
Shri R S Balaji
Shri R Krishnan
Shri V Vimalnath
Name                   : Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Subject Handling: Cost and Management Accounting for CA Inter and Strategic Cost Management & Performance Evaluation for CA Final
Qualification And Experience

B.Com, FCA

Graduation - Obtained Fourth Rank in the B.Com Graduation Examinations of the University of Madras from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai.

He secured the First Rank in the Chartered Accountancy Final Examinations, securing 76% in the aggregate.

He also secured the Third Rank in the Intermediate Examinations and Tenth Rank in the Foundation Examinations.

His academic performance includes 99% in CA Final Accounting and 96% in CA Intermediate Auditing papers.

Passed the C.A.Examinations in 1998

Practicing Chartered Accountant for the Past 20 Years.

Specialization includes -

1. Financial Management

2. Cost Accounting

3. Implementation of Costing System under ERP Environment

4. Direct and Indirect Taxation

5. Government Accounting

First Hand Recognition

1. Visiting Faculty for SIRC of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and its branches.

2.Visiting Faculty of Regional Training Institute of Income Tax Department.

3. Visiting Faculty of Regional Training Institute of C & AG (Comptroller and Auditor General)

4.Guest Speaker of Tamilnadu Housing Board

5. Guest Speaker at Canara Bank Staff Training Institute

6.Guest Speaker at Engineers India Limited

Books Authored

He is the Author of the following Books for CA Students -

1. A Ready Referencer on Advanced Management Accounting for CA Final.

2. Students Handbook on Cost Accounting & Financial Management for CA IPCC.

Co-Author for more than 15 Books for CA CPT / CA IPCC / CA FINAL.

Professional Books Authored -

1. TN VAT and CST Ready Reckoner

2. E-filing of IT Returns

3. Service Tax Reckoner

Other Particulars

His style of communication, techniques of approaching the subject, guidelines for preparing the examinations are quite popular among students.

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