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Faculty Team

Shri R Krishnan Profile

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Shri S Sundar Raman
Shri R Sathish Kumar
Shri R S Balaji
Shri R Krishnan
Shri V Vimalnath
Name                   : Shri R Krishnan
Subject Handling: Accounting for All Levels, Strategic Financial Management for CA Final, Business Mathematics & Statistics for CA Foundation
Qualification And Experience
Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Practicing Chartered Accountant for the Past 7 Years.
Passed the C.A.Examinations in 2015

Practicing Chartered Accountant.

Consistent merit performer.

He explains the concepts in a lucid and understandable fashion.

Areas of Interest includes :

Accounting Standards

Indian Accounting Standards


Financial Management and Vedic Studies

First Hand Recognition
Co Opted Member in Ind-AS Implementation Committee in 2021-2022
Visiting Faculty for SIRC of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and its branches.
Visiting Faculty of Regional Training Institute of C & AG (Comptroller and Auditor General)

Other Particulars
Subjects Handling
CA Foundation 
1. Basics of Accounting
2. Business Mathematics & Statistics
CA Intermediate
1. Accounting
2. Advanced Accounting
CA Final 
1. Financial Reporting
2. Strategic Financial Management


Contact No: 8754589539
Email : rkrishnan236200@gmail.com

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