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Faculty Team

Shri R S Balaji Profile

Shri.B.Saravana Prasath
Smt.Nirupama Sekar
Shri S Sundar Raman
Shri R Sathish Kumar
Shri R S Balaji
Shri R Krishnan
Shri V Vimalnath
Name                   : Shri R S Balaji
Subject Handling: Auditing and Assurance for CA INTER, Advanced Auditing for CA FINAL and Indirect Taxes for CA FINAL
Qualification And Experience

B.Com, FCA

1. Graduated from Sri Sankara Arts and Science College, Kanchipuram.

2. Awarded as Best Outgoing Student of the College.

3. Wide Exposure in handling both Statutory and Internal Audits of various Companies including Listed Companies.

Areas of Interest:

GST, Auditing and Taxation. Passionate about Teaching.

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